Why were shepherds the first people to hear the good news about Jesus’ birth? (Lk. 2, 8-20) Why was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist and why was God well-pleased with that? (Lk. 3, 21-22) Those questions are examples for issues we are discussing during our Bible study. You do not know the answers? – Come to our Bible study and listen to our ideas! You know the answers already? – Come to our Bible study and share your insights! Why and how? Who? Everyone who is interested in learning more about the Bible is cordially invited. The confessional or religious background does not matter. Actually, our group consists of people from several nations, therefore the main language is English. However, translations can be given into German. Where and when? Write a message to kontakt[at]wugffo.de and you will receive the information where and when we meet. At the moment we have the study every Thursday from 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm at the place of family Vogel, right in the center of Frankfurt (Oder). |